I’ve had two nightmares about snakes over the past couple of nights. I fault Wendy for sending me a canned phone message from Samuel Jackson announcing the movie release of Snakes on a Plane.
I don't remember many of the details of the first dream.
What I remember from the second terrible dream was hiking in a very high place (heights = terrifying), and suddenly brightly colored, HUGE snakes started crawling agressively towards me out of the cracks of the rocks. Dana Grady suddenly appeared. I jumped on her back and she ran with me on piggyback, barefooted, up to a lodge at the top of the mountain. There were a few other drifters there that were strangers to me. Only problem was, the group I was with was catching a plane out of the area the next morning. I didn't have any provisions or clothes or bedding or anything like that. Or, more importantly, an exit strategy. So, basically, she stranded me after rescuing me. The snakes were huge and they were FAST. And they were still slithering around outside of the lodge. It was like a reversal of the reptile room at the zoo. I was trapped inside of these four walls and the snakes slithered around outside, watching me.
My hands are sweating just thinking about it.
I think I’m so terrified because I grew up around copperheads and water moccasins. Does anyone remember the time we went canoeing and a water moccasin dropped from a tree branch into the canoe? I think Alison was there. And Tim Meitzen whacked it with an oar until it was dead.
Absolutely horrific.