Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I'm a Southerner, born and bred (though you'd never know it from my accent, I'm told). I like to eat 'til I'm tired out from eating, hear good storytelling 'til I can recite the stories in my sleep (Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.), watch people, look at sparkly things, listen to good bluegrass music, dream about owning a dog, tell crazy stories about my family, and organize things.

18 August 2006

Dog Days

It's Tommy's last official day of summer.
To celebrate, we're going here:

I am terrified of roller coasters.
Not quite sure how I'll navigate the day.
I'm thinking that eating cotton candy to entertain myself is a good idea.

Tommorow we're going to a pig roast at Tommy's aunt's farm.
For her 50th birthday.
All who know me well know that I've been DYING to see a pig roast for my entire life.
Especially since reading about them in Little House on the Prairie.

Do you remember when Papa blew up the bladder for Half Pint and Mary to toss around?
Boy, I do.
What delight!


Blogger Troy said...

I'm so jealous. I've always wanted to go to Cedar Point because I LOVE rollor coasters. Maybe John and I should go with you next time. He hates all fast rides. It has become a hobby of mine to create a list of people who like rides. Lori is right in there with the best of them.

You and John can eat cotton candy while Tommy and I ride.

BTW, I think I've teared up a little at every Little House episode I've ever seen.

2:13 PM  
Blogger sirrom said...

You probably got your fear of heights from me. I couldn't enjoy the Empire State Bldg. for that reason. I distinctly remember the rail being so low it struck me about the belt. And I had this visual of me falling head over heels to the ground. SPLAT! Since then I've been told the rail is way over your head and it is physically impossible to fall. This is in reference to the lowest of the observation decks.

8:48 PM  
Blogger ashley said...

I hope you took some pictures of the pig roast. I'd like to see how they do it ...

2:30 AM  
Blogger Katie A said...

I can actually see the pencil sketch of the pig bladder balloon chapter in my mind. I hope you had a marvelous time. I can't believe that summer is coming to an end. (But I'm ready for the fall)

7:51 AM  
Blogger juliebelle said...

Let's all go to Cedar Point next summer. I'm very serious about this. Early next summer.

I just learned from Lori (on the phone) that she LOVES roller coasters. So Lori and Troy and Tommy and whoever else comes can ride rides and John and I and Jennie and whoever else comes can eat cotton candy---at 25 cents a batch it's the biggest bargain in the park.

tommy and steve (his brother) made me ride 2 roller coasters yesterday. i hated the second round so much that i started crying a little bit in sheer, unadulterated terror. i decided to just set meeting times with them for the rest of the day. i rode the spinning rides (like the scrambler--LOVE) and ate cotton candy and popcorn and watched the shows. and i got a henna tattoo which is so pretty. perhaps i'll write a blog about it all.

I know, I know, Katie. I can just see the picture sketch of the pig roast, too. i swear i read that entire series about 5 times when i was growing up.

next summer. probably in june. check your calendars.

off to the roast now. i'll take my camera.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...

i love roller coasters! can't stand cotton candy! ick.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Troy said...

Count me and John in on that Cedar Point trip. Lori would LOVE it. What I love about theme parks in the midwest is they aren't a bazillion degrees in the summer time.

9:19 PM  

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