gunstream girl

Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I'm a Southerner, born and bred (though you'd never know it from my accent, I'm told). I like to eat 'til I'm tired out from eating, hear good storytelling 'til I can recite the stories in my sleep (Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.), watch people, look at sparkly things, listen to good bluegrass music, dream about owning a dog, tell crazy stories about my family, and organize things.

26 January 2007

Canon in D

I'm trying to decide how to structure our wedding ceremony this summer.
Pachelbel's Canon came to mind as a nice piece to weave somewhere into the event.
However, Tommy said he's not nuts about having it played as it has been "overdone" on youtube.
Which was news to me until a couple of weeks ago.
The guy is pretty amazing.
You'll need to turn your speakers on.


Thanks to American Idol, I'm back to weekly chats with Rebekah and Jennie.
It's so nice to speed dial either one of them (or both) to either laugh uncontrollably or just to listen to them snorting on the other line during commercial breaks.
During one recent commercial break, Rebekah and I laughed about how funny it was that we had spoken more in that evening than in the rest of the entire year.
Go team--

09 January 2007

Rat Snake

Just because you look like a rat doesn't mean you are a rat, she said.
Sometimes it means you're a snake.
She had a flair for biology.
--Brian Andreas

04 January 2007

Real Reason

There are things you do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money & it may be the real reason we are here: to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good. ---Brian Andreas

01 January 2007

A Very Merry Christmas, Indeed

Here's what Bob and Tommy gave me for Christmas this year. The picture's not great, but I liked how Bob was looking at it. It's a green sapphire. Very nice, in my opinion.

We're planning a ceremony in AR this summer and a reception in Cleveland the weekend following.