Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I'm a Southerner, born and bred (though you'd never know it from my accent, I'm told). I like to eat 'til I'm tired out from eating, hear good storytelling 'til I can recite the stories in my sleep (Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.), watch people, look at sparkly things, listen to good bluegrass music, dream about owning a dog, tell crazy stories about my family, and organize things.

13 October 2006

Drag out your winter clothes

The workers at Kelli's K-9 Kingdom put a jogging suit on Bob today because of the cold snap. When Tommy picked him up from day care he couldn't believe his eyes! The lady at the desk said Bob needs a little help in the warmth department because he is so thin-skinned. While the jogging suit was nice and sporty, Tommy felt that Bob could use something a little more sophisticated. So now Bob is ready to brave the winter. He is so interested in his sweater and thinks of it at his second skin:


Blogger sirrom said...

Love that Bob.

4:42 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

oh my!
i am laughing at you being one of "those" dog parents.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Aunt Eliz said...

Too cute. Dave and I have to put our dogs in little sweaters when they go outside in the snow.....or else they bring lots of snow back into the house in their fur. It's the process of taking them off afterward that makes me laugh (the way their heads pop out...LOL)

9:48 AM  

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