Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I'm a Southerner, born and bred (though you'd never know it from my accent, I'm told). I like to eat 'til I'm tired out from eating, hear good storytelling 'til I can recite the stories in my sleep (Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.), watch people, look at sparkly things, listen to good bluegrass music, dream about owning a dog, tell crazy stories about my family, and organize things.

26 July 2005

Me: 21-30

21. I love office supplies. Particularly pens.

22. I'm afraid of snakes. Very afraid.

23. Spiders don't bother me so much.

24. Cockroaches freak me out. Especially the flying ones.

25. I used to like squirrels quite a bit until I saw one close up. It's tail looks like a rat with really fluffy fur. From that point forward, I decided that I wasn't as keen on them as I used to be. That, and the squirrels at OBU used to pelt the passers-by with acorns. Mean little buggers.

26. Beans and greens and cornbread. That's my death row meal.

27. I've been knitting a (yes, that's singular) scarf for almost 6 years now. Can't decide if I'll ever finish it or not. When I first moved to Ohio, Mrs. Henderson (Jan's mom) saw my knitting in one of my boxes, pulled it out, started shaking her head, and then pulled out about 3 inches of stitches. I almost croaked. It was full of mistakes, she said. I kind of liked the holes. I thought they had 'character.' Hmph.

28. I am a twin. Fraternal. We're nothing alike and everything alike. We get along really well, for the most part, though sometimes I think Jennie just tolerates me. She used to always threaten me and say that when I least expect it she's going to clobber me (I'm sure I prompted the comment with some sort of annoying behavior). . . I'm still waiting.

29. I like order. Especially on my bed. I'm very particular about my bed. Jennie and I shared a bed for a good portion of our lives. When we would fight, she would simply get out of bed in the middle of the night and pull out the corner of the sheets. Pissed me off.

30. Dogs. I love them. Every time I see one, I crack up. I want a great dane, a Visla, a lab, a beagle, a basset hound, and a greyhound for starters. Which will require me to have a large backyard.


Blogger juliebelle said...

whatever. i'm positive you said you'd get me one day.

tell me more about loaded questions.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Katie A said...

My school was infested with cochroaches. On the day I interviewed and walked down the math hall, I stepped on one that was at least 3 inches. Yes, I've got a lot of flying cochroach stories now, but I'm not quite a freaked out by them as before. (As long as they don't land on me!)

PS I loved playing Loaded Questions!

3:46 PM  

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