when the dog bites...
....I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feeeeeelllll sooooo bad.
Jennie inspired this list. I put it on her blog in the comments section. Since I spent so much time typing it, I thought it was blog-worthy.
My favorite things:
1. things that are homemade. i'm not talking about country blue and mauve geese...more along the lines of freshly baked goods, handicrafts, a poem...that kind of thing. i made a vow several years ago that i would never purchase anything for my home unless a) it was homemade (vs. being mass-produced) or b) it had a really good story. point a) is relevant for this purposes of this exercise. why homemade? someone took the time and skill necessary to make something wonderful and unique. hard to come by.
2. sparkly, dangly things---especially said gaudy earrings. i absolutely adore accessories.
3. REAL mail. not bills. just a good old-fashioned letter.
3b. packages in the mail. probably more exciting than real mail, especially if it's got any of the items on my list inside.
4. like katie, gifts from people that just got you something because it reminded you of them (with the ensuing explanation)
5. like troy, consumables. i love getting things that i can enjoy until they're done and not have to worry about finding a place for them.
6. like sweet jennie, practical things (see number 5). laundry detergent, copy paper, fruit baskets, you name it.
7. gift certificates. it's so much fun to spend someone else's money!!
8. books. i love it when people give me books. great entertainment with an added glimpse into the person's interests.
9.along the same lines as number 8, music. i especially love it when someone makes me a mix (see number 1). i listen to the two mixes that jennie made for me daily. tommy, too.
10. i like being taken to dinner. REALLY nice dinners with tablecloths and crystal and good wine and 5 and 6 course meals, and live music if I'm lucky. i don't know where this one came from...it seems we never had too much of this type of frivolity growing up (you can imagine, growing up under practical pat's roof!). but somehow i've found that i just absolutely love to get dressed up and do something very, very... nice. E.B. White once said: "Every Morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day."
11. clothes. it doesn't matter if they come from the salvation army or from really nice
boutiques...they're fun to me. no one article is more exciting. they're all great. but, i should caution that i'm VERY particular about what i wear. which is sort of comical if you know me and the types of garb that i try to pull off.
12. products. carey and i like to call ourselves product whores. just give us 10 minutes in sephora....watch out!
13. hands-on classes. how to carve a pumpkin. how to change a tire. how to tango. how to knit a hat.
14. antique linens. i've picked up a few here and there. love them. i'm not totally shabby chic, but i've been dredged quite a bit with it.
Jennie inspired this list. I put it on her blog in the comments section. Since I spent so much time typing it, I thought it was blog-worthy.
My favorite things:
1. things that are homemade. i'm not talking about country blue and mauve geese...more along the lines of freshly baked goods, handicrafts, a poem...that kind of thing. i made a vow several years ago that i would never purchase anything for my home unless a) it was homemade (vs. being mass-produced) or b) it had a really good story. point a) is relevant for this purposes of this exercise. why homemade? someone took the time and skill necessary to make something wonderful and unique. hard to come by.
2. sparkly, dangly things---especially said gaudy earrings. i absolutely adore accessories.
3. REAL mail. not bills. just a good old-fashioned letter.
3b. packages in the mail. probably more exciting than real mail, especially if it's got any of the items on my list inside.
4. like katie, gifts from people that just got you something because it reminded you of them (with the ensuing explanation)
5. like troy, consumables. i love getting things that i can enjoy until they're done and not have to worry about finding a place for them.
6. like sweet jennie, practical things (see number 5). laundry detergent, copy paper, fruit baskets, you name it.
7. gift certificates. it's so much fun to spend someone else's money!!
8. books. i love it when people give me books. great entertainment with an added glimpse into the person's interests.
9.along the same lines as number 8, music. i especially love it when someone makes me a mix (see number 1). i listen to the two mixes that jennie made for me daily. tommy, too.
10. i like being taken to dinner. REALLY nice dinners with tablecloths and crystal and good wine and 5 and 6 course meals, and live music if I'm lucky. i don't know where this one came from...it seems we never had too much of this type of frivolity growing up (you can imagine, growing up under practical pat's roof!). but somehow i've found that i just absolutely love to get dressed up and do something very, very... nice. E.B. White once said: "Every Morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day."
11. clothes. it doesn't matter if they come from the salvation army or from really nice
boutiques...they're fun to me. no one article is more exciting. they're all great. but, i should caution that i'm VERY particular about what i wear. which is sort of comical if you know me and the types of garb that i try to pull off.
12. products. carey and i like to call ourselves product whores. just give us 10 minutes in sephora....watch out!
13. hands-on classes. how to carve a pumpkin. how to change a tire. how to tango. how to knit a hat.
14. antique linens. i've picked up a few here and there. love them. i'm not totally shabby chic, but i've been dredged quite a bit with it.
i'm happy to have this list of some of your favourite things, gunstream girl.
you are such an amazing person, and i love you.
What a great idea about hands-on learning classes! That sounds like a blast, especially if you could do it with a friend.
I, too, like to go out to a nice restaurant every so often (the Ritz Carlton is just a couple of miles from where I lived in GA), but it is hard to justify it in a mind that is also so focused on the hardships and poverty in the world. Deep thoughts to start the day . . .
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