Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

I'm a Southerner, born and bred (though you'd never know it from my accent, I'm told). I like to eat 'til I'm tired out from eating, hear good storytelling 'til I can recite the stories in my sleep (Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can't remember who we are or why we're here.), watch people, look at sparkly things, listen to good bluegrass music, dream about owning a dog, tell crazy stories about my family, and organize things.

22 May 2005

Meditation on blue

Why meditation on blue?

About a year ago, Jan (my boss) told me that sometimes she likes to meditate on the color blue.

First thought that popped into my head: Every day you surpirse me with your weirdness. Why did I move to Ohio to work with you?


I don' t know.

Maybe it's not such a bad idea after all.

Blue's never been high up on my list.

Poor old Blue (already, two associations).

When I consider all of the blues I've known, I find such quiet, powerful intensity there....Persons. Places. Music. Time. Feelings. Experiences. Vibrancy of life. Chill of death (on that topic, orange is the color for me).


Well, it's interesting enough to consider.

Perhaps I'll share more later.


To Blue.


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